master the fundamental principles of Lumped and RF Filter Design using Keysight Advanced System (ADS)

RF Filter Design Fundamentals using Keysight ADS – RAHRF472

master the fundamental principles of Lumped and RF Filter Design using Keysight Advanced System (ADS)
Notes de 2,9 sur 5
8 Avis
69  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Course Description:

Unlock the world of RF filter design with RAHRF472, a comprehensive course that delves into the fundamental principles of Lumped and RF Filter Design using the industry-standard Keysight Advanced Design System (ADS) software. Designed for RF engineers, postgraduate students, and research scholars, this course provides a deep understanding of filter concepts, types, design equations, and practical simulations.

Course Highlights:

Introduction to RF Filters: Explore the significance of RF filters and their crucial role in signal processing.

Filter Types and Applications: Learn about various filter types, including Low Pass, High Pass, and Band Pass filters, while understanding their real-world applications.

Filter Design Equations: Dive into the mathematical equations that govern filter design, giving you a solid foundation for your RF projects.

Practical Filter Design with Equations: Apply filter design equations in practical scenarios, ensuring precision in your designs.

Simulating Filters with ADS: Harness the power of Keysight ADS software to simulate and validate your filter designs, guided by expert instructors.

Passive Filters Demystified: Master the principles behind passive filters, adding versatility to your RF engineering toolkit.

Microstrip Filter Design: Delve into advanced microstrip filter design techniques, expanding your capabilities in RF filter engineering.

Additional Video Topics:

Explore a wealth of topics, including Impedance scaling, Image parameter method, Insertion loss method, and more.

Learn about Band Pass filter design with various examples and simulations.

Understand transformations such as Richard’s Transformation and Kurodo’s Identity.

Gain hands-on experience with practical filter design using ADS software.

Dive into complex topics like Stepped Impedance Filters, Coupled Line Filters, and Hairline Filters.

Discover practical design considerations for Lumped Element Filters in Microwave Applications.

Target Audience:

This course is tailored for professionals working in the dynamic field of RF engineering. It’s also an ideal choice for:

RF Engineers: Enhance your RF filter design skills, stay up-to-date with industry-standard software, and expand your career opportunities.

Postgraduate Students: Enrich your academic curriculum with practical RF knowledge, preparing you for a successful career in the RF industry.

Research Scholars: Accelerate your research endeavors in the realm of RF engineering by mastering filter design techniques and simulation tools.


To enroll in RAHRF472, students must have completed the following prerequisites: RAHRF200 and RAHRF209-L.

Elective Course in Rahsoft RF Certification Program:

RAHRF472 is an elective course within the Rahsoft RF Certification program, providing you with valuable expertise in RF filter design as you work towards achieving your certification.

Join us on a comprehensive journey into the heart of RF filtering technology. RAHRF472 equips you with the knowledge and skills to excel in the RF field, empowering you to design, validate, and optimize RF filters with confidence. Unlock the potential of Keysight ADS and become a sought-after RF engineering expert. Enroll today and embark on your RF filter design adventure!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
RF Engineer
Post graduate students taking RF course
Research scholars working in the field of RF Engineering.
This course is set for professionals working in the area of RF field.
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master the fundamental principles of Lumped and RF Filter Design using Keysight Advanced System (ADS)

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