Learn How to Set Up Dynamic Remarketing Campaigns in Minutes to Increase Sales & ROI Without Breaking the Bank

Retargeting with Facebook Ads Like a Pro

Learn How to Set Up Dynamic Remarketing Campaigns in Minutes to Increase Sales & ROI Without Breaking the Bank
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98  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Remarketing (retargeting) is the process of “following up” with your prospects or clients in the digital world.

This is an Advertising Strategy used by the best marketers and business owners out there.

FUN FACT: Only 2% of people will buy the first time they find out about your company. Which means, that all the people you send to your Facebook Page or Website, only 2% will buy the first time…

98% of sales will happen in the next 2 to 7 interactions with your brand or business.

Retargeting – Remarketing is the cheapest yet most effective form of advertising if done correctly.

This is why you need to do Retargeting (remarketing)

Otherwise, you are leaving money on the table and your ROI will decrease. Imagine being able to double your sales just by applying this principle of retargeting (remarketing)… All your hard work and all the money you spend on traffic bringing people to your site or Facebook Page will finally pay off.

Acquiring customers through traffic without retargeting is basically leaving money on table, and it is very expensive.

If you have a business, you probably have a Facebook Page. You may also have a Website.

But it is not necessary to have a website to do Retargeting (remarketing).

You need to assign a small budget to follow up with people where they left… You will show ads to specific people to remind them to take the next action.

What if you were able to push 5, 10, or 20% MORE people to the next step of your funnel?

Most marketers are leaving BIG money on the table because they don’t follow up with a prospect after they’ve left their funnel.

But today it’s easier than ever to follow up using ad retargeting.

I will teach how to EASILY Create those “Remarketing Audiences” and Create “Remarketing Campaigns” on Facebook to follow up with them without breaking the bank.

This is all about converting more people into customers, and making your current customers buy more from your company…

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This course is for anyone looking to follow up with their Website Visitors or Facebook Fans and Potential Customers professionally
This course is for you if you haven’t been able to set up profitable remarketing campaigns yet.
This course is for you if you’re interested in learning how 98% of Sales are made through Digital Marketing
This course is for your if you’re a business owner that needs to understand how to properly engage with your prospects
This course is for you if you know that business is about building relationships, and you need a way to automate that process in a professional and modern way.
This course is for Digital Marketers who have clients and need to improve their ROI on their marketing efforts.
This course is for those who want to connect with me and get help with their business.
This course is not for you if you do not care about your business growth and sales.
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Learn How to Set Up Dynamic Remarketing Campaigns in Minutes to Increase Sales & ROI Without Breaking the Bank

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