Are you spending large sums of money on marketing but would like a more cost effective technique? Referral Marketing can be free (just as you may recommend a good film – that cinema franchise isn’t paying you), but there is a science behind this method. You cannot simply just ‘hope’ for word of mouth referrals for your business. In this course, we show you how to generate more referrals and exponentially grow your business.
In this course, you will learn proven strategies to improve your referral rate and take your business to new heights. Referrals are the key to success, and with the right referral marketing strategy, your business can double overnight. Referred customers are more loyal, less likely to haggle, and are more receptive to your message compared to cold calling or traditional advertising methods.
Our course covers everything you need to know about creating a successful referral marketing strategy. From effective scripts to encourage people to refer new business to you, to incorporating referrals into your overall marketing process, we have you covered.
The course is structured with easily digestible slides that you can print out and make notes on as you go along. Whether you are a marketer, self-employed business owner, or responsible for new business development, this course is tailored to help you achieve your goals.
What sets our course apart is the practical expertise of our instructor, a bookkeeping service entrepreneur with a first-class honors degree in Accounting with Marketing. You will learn from someone who has been in your shoes and understands the challenges you face.
This course is designed for marketers and self-employed business owners who are looking to take their referral marketing efforts to the next level. Even if you have an offline business, the strategies taught in this course are applicable and effective.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your business through the power of referrals.
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This course is for people who have a business which could benefit from referral marketing
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