Learn what is behind of cool materials looking inside unreal engine, understand deeply your maths

Real life complex materials for UE

Learn what is behind of cool materials looking inside unreal engine, understand deeply your maths
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53 Avis
546  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



The intention of this course is not to show you how to create cool materials inside unreal engine, but understand them, you will understand why you need to multiply or divide certain numbers and what are the implications of those operations in real time.

Understanding materials

The course is divided in several materials one more difficult than the another, it is important that you watch them in a linear fashion since the topics exposed in the first ones will be used in the next parts

Download project empty files to follow along with this course

This course includes a .zip file which can be extracted for you to follow along, it is important to mention the version we will be using is 4.25, the maths and logic exposed in this course can be used in old versions of UE but the assets are not compatible.

This course will cover:

Creating a soil material, where we will see basic math concept that are really necessary for the following tutorials

Creating an animated fish, we will understand trigonometric functions while we do a cool animation for a fish

Creating a toon shader, we will see in deep what is deferred rendering and how to create a custom cheap light model inside the material editor

Creating a drawing effect, as complement for the toon shader we will create a cool post proccess effect using outlines, we will understand various concepts that are use inside image processeing

Creating a radial blur, for this last tutorial we will use HLSL code, since is the only way to archive such a complex effect!

Who is this course for:

People who wants to learn about unreal engine in general

Those who want to understand the operations they are doing inside a material graph

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Any enthusiast of unreal engine who wants to learn more about materials
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Learn what is behind of cool materials looking inside unreal engine, understand deeply your maths

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