Attention Affiliates, Bloggers, & online marketers. Learn how to get more traffic to your offer with push notifications

Push Notification Course: Get more traffic using Push Ads

Attention Affiliates, Bloggers, & online marketers. Learn how to get more traffic to your offer with push notifications
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Want to boost your traffic to your website?

With the growth of smartphones, come new forms of advertising. One of those are push notifications.

They are competing quite well against other forms of online advertising as can be found on Google and Facebook.

However push notifications can cost you as little as 1c per click? And when you advertise using push notifications you ONLY pay for each click!

Plus, a big advantage push notifications have is that they get delivered in real time and immediately notify a person. This means that they are a great tool for promoting limited time offers.

Push notifications are proving to be one of the most profitable tools in the modern marketer’s arsenal.

And at this moment there is an opportunity to get quality visitors to your website at a small cost compared to other advertising methods.

That’s why I created this course, I have seen this to be a trending ad format and it’s not going to disappear but grow stronger in the upcoming years


So who is this course for?

If you have an online offer and need to promote it than this course can help.

If you are a blog owner and need to build traffic to your blog then this method will help.

If you have an e-commerce website then push notifications will help boost your sales.

If you are an affiliate marketer looking for new forms of advertising then push notifications can improve your conversions.

No high tech skills are required for this method, although it would help if you have your own website.


At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

Create your own push notification campaigns.

Find valuable traffic sources for push notification ads.

And you will learn 3 golden sources of traffic that I have tested and are full of traffic that converts.

You will also be able to start collecting push notification subscribers so that you will be able to send push notifications to your very own subscriber list. And you will not even need a mobile app to set this up.

Enroll today and get started on your next ad campaign using push notifications.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Any person who has a website and would like to promote it.
Also this content will be helpful to blog owners, e-commerce website owners, online course creators, and affiliate marketers.
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Attention Affiliates, Bloggers, & online marketers. Learn how to get more traffic to your offer with push notifications

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