Take your ProtoPie skills to the next level

ProtoPie Formulas – The Definitive Guide

Take your ProtoPie skills to the next level
Notes de 4,6 sur 5
28 Avis
170  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



A message from Fredo Tan – Head of Customer Success at ProtoPie

One of the hats I have been wearing since the early days of ProtoPie is customer success. In this role, I had the pleasure to get to know Darren Bennett in 2019. He joined as a user shortly after we launched ProtoPie publicly in 2017 and has been an avid user ever since.

His passion for ProtoPie even led to him being hired by Microsoft and being one of the driving forces behind the company’s prototyping efforts. Throughout the years, Darren turned into the ProtoPie expert any designer and design team could turn to if they want to use ProtoPie as a vehicle for success.

Courses, tutorial videos, and trainings—Darren has done them all. His latest feat is this course. The definitive guide on formulas is the ideal stepping stone to taking your prototypes from being average to dynamic and realistic; being mediocre to outstanding; and having minor value to major business impact. Mastering the concept of ProtoPie’s formulas is key to stretching your possibilities with this tool.

If sky is the limit with ProtoPie, then Darren his definitive guide on formulas would be the fastest jet aircraft to take you there.

—Fredo Tan,

Head of Customer Success at ProtoPie

About this course

ProtoPie is a great interaction design tool that enables you to create some truly realistic prototypes

but to really get to a level of interaction that makes your prototypes feel real requires another level of understanding.

After understanding the basic object model of object, trigger and responses the second key pillar of knowledge that you need to attain is the understanding of formulas.

Formulas simply put give you the capability to to make your prototypes dynamic. No longer do you need to build an on rails prototype based on static values.

With formulas you can leverage a simplified pseudo code based language to create advanced interactions using conditions, variables, layer properties and functions.

In this course I’ll take you through every aspect of formulas and how to use them.

First we’ll dive into the fundamental building blocks of formulas and learn the rules and how to piece each block together.

Next we’ll take an unprecedented look at nearly every function that ProtoPie has to offer. I’ve curated the most useful and practical functions and will show you how to use each one and what they’re good for.

After that we’ll take a look at a special list of features that give you access to some quite fundamental system based information such as mouse position, touch velocity and voice UI.

Finally you be able to practice what you have learned by working through a range of real world challenge projects which will give you a chance to test your knowledge solving real world UI problems.

This course is a must for any designer wanting to take their interaction design and prototyping skills to another level. This course is aimed at designers with no coding knowledge or expertise. After completing this course you’ll literally be amazed at what you can prototype.

Look forward to seeing you inside!



À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone looking to extend their ProtoPie skills to a more advanced level
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Take your ProtoPie skills to the next level

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