Learn the complete process creating props for games and animation with Maya, ZBrush and Substance Painter 2019

Prop modeling and texturing in Maya ZBrush Substance Painter

Learn the complete process creating props for games and animation with Maya, ZBrush and Substance Painter 2019
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DescriptionLearn the complete process to create assets or props for videogames using Maya, ZBrush and Substance Painter 2019.First in Maya we are going to create the base model with simple geometry, also we are going to create a correct UV map with an excelent automatic method, from there we’ll take our base model to ZBrush for detailing, we’re going to teach you some brushes to get detail very easy in ZBrush, afterwards we’ll take the model to Substance Painter 2019 for PBR textuting and get a realistic look for the shield.Finally we’ll return all the detail from ZBrush and texture from Substance Painter to Maya, set the materials, textures and illumination settings to get the final render in Maya.All in this complete course.À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Any enthusiast, student or professional who wants to learn the complete process for assets and props creation with great quality using Maya, ZBrush and Substance Painter 2019.Afficher plusAfficher moins

Learn the complete process creating props for games and animation with Maya, ZBrush and Substance Painter 2019

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