Discover the vast audience of Podcasts and Internet Radio and promote your book, your blog, your website and yourself.

Promoting Your Content With Internet Radio and Podcasts

Discover the vast audience of Podcasts and Internet Radio and promote your book, your blog, your website and yourself.
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124  Sessions

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Description Need to get the word out about your book, blog, website or product? Discover how to tap into a hungry audience who is looking for you and your content. Do you know there are hundreds of internet radio shows and podcasts out there? They need fresh content for their listeners every week. Discover how to promote your content and maximize your exposure with podcasts and internet radio. We reveal an easy system to find relevant shows, book the interview, and promote yourself and your content. Rinse and repeat for massive exposure and promotion! You’ll also learn how to create and host your own show, both internet radio and podcast-based, in addition to implementing monetizing and promotional tactics that make the most out of your broadcast time. Don’t miss out on this easy source of promotion. Connect with hungry listeners in your niche who are eager for content. Promoting Your Content With Internet Radio Shows and Podcasts will help you generate massive publicity for your book, blog, website, or product. This course comes complete with video training, step-by-step pdfs with screenshots, a huge list of targeted shows you can contact right now, plus templates you can use for your own. You can learn and apply the material in this course within a few days to a week.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Website owners, writers, publishers, bloggers, anyone who wants more publicity for their content.Afficher plusAfficher moins

Discover the vast audience of Podcasts and Internet Radio and promote your book, your blog, your website and yourself.

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