How to Use Procreate Step by Step Guide- Digital Drawing & Painting on the iPad (Pro) in 3+1 Hands-on Style Art Projects

Procreate: Getting Started With Procreate on the iPad

How to Use Procreate Step by Step Guide- Digital Drawing & Painting on the iPad (Pro) in 3+1 Hands-on Style Art Projects
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Learn how to use Procreate on the iPad with the Apple Pencil for digital art, illustration, drawing and painting.

The iPad (Pro, Air 3, Mini 5, iPad 7) with the Procreate app can be turned into a mini art studio, a powerful digital drawing tool that you can take with you anywhere. Procreate is one of the best digital art apps in the world of digital art.

I believe in the Learning by Doing principle. In this course you will complete four art projects. You’ll get to know many Procreate tools and features. You’re going to draw, paint, create digital illustration, and animation. The projects in the course contain easy to follow steps. No previous drawing knowledge is necessary. We’re going to use digital pencil, ink, and brushes with colors to draw and paint. You will learn many tips & tricks in Procreate.

Procreate is one of the best drawing apps on the iPad. If you just start to learn drawing and you don’t know where to start, the iPad + Procreate + Apple Pencil pairing is a perfect choice. If you’d like to learn sketching, drawing, painting digitally, or you plan to be an illustrator to create illustrations and design materials, Procreate is for you.

By the end of this course you’re going to feel confidence and strong foundation in working with the app.

This course is perfect for beginners. It’s also a kind of introduction to digital art.

Catch on quickly with Procreate. The last section contains a bonus project introducing all the new features of Procreate 5X update. So, make sure you get to the end, because it’s getting really exciting.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Students who have an iPad and want to draw and paint digital
Illustrators who are looking for a digital drawing tool to sketch, draw, and paint
Beginner artists who are unfamiliar with the iPad and the Procreate app
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How to Use Procreate Step by Step Guide- Digital Drawing & Painting on the iPad (Pro) in 3+1 Hands-on Style Art Projects

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