The Exact Blueprint to Empower Yourself: Your Product & Idea Pitch (Presentation Skills Inc. Scripts & Examples)

Presentation skills: The Complete Sales Pitch BLUEPRINT

The Exact Blueprint to Empower Yourself: Your Product & Idea Pitch (Presentation Skills Inc. Scripts & Examples)
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1 707  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



This course is part of THE BUYING CODE: 10 sales skills courses in 1

« Stefan is a great speaker, he kept me engaged throughout the length of the course. I took notes diligently » – Theatreche Douardtoulouse

« I really enjoy this and it is very useful. » – Dr. Rosselli

The sales presentation is the crucial part of the sale and you know it. No room for mistakes. No room for improvising and hoping. You need a solid system, don’t you?

You do not need a good pitch, you need an outstanding pitch. In other words, your high school presentation skills won’t get you anywhere near the level of buy-in you need from the prospect.

In this sales skills course, you are going to learn how to give a killer sales presentation using the power of stories, subconscious communication and cognitive biases for your 10x pitch.

Storytelling is talked about a lot but few have mastered how to apply storytelling to deliver a great pitch. Taking this course, you will be one of the few who master this skill.

« The tools offered are very practical, something that you can actually apply when selling » – Larissa R.

Telling stories like a master, after having taken this course, you will not even have to « sell » to them, because they will want to buy. People hate to be sold to be sold to, but they love to buy. A great story thus makes a selling-situation into a buy-situation.

Storytelling is a powerful technique underutilized by sales professionals today. However, with the right framing and understanding of psychology, a powerful story will make their limiting beliefs crack down and you will be able to persuade them of your idea, product or service. When you give a great sales presentation, you won’t have to do much selling any more, because they want to buy.

In this sales skills course, you learn how to build your perfect pitch in 5 steps. Inspired by venture capitalists like Geoff Moore and Oren Klaff, blended by some of the best technique of the (in)famous Wolf of Wall Street, Jordan Belfort as well as other experts in the field such as Russell Brunson and Grant Cardone, the instructor has years of experiences in applying a combination of those techniques with maximum results. For the first time, he decided to teach this blend of powerful strategies to a larger group than his own sales people.

« Great course, very motivational and Stefan explains very interesting tips to try for be successful and take a step forward in sales. » – J- Davidnoos

Diving deep into the human mind, this course will also teach you

How to frame in an idea to create intrigue, scarcity and urgency

How not to be needy in the eyes of your prospects and instead flip the script and let them chase you

How to anticipate and overcome objections way ahead of time

How to pitch to their emotional side while at the same time giving them loads of numbers and making logically sense of your deal

How to create hot cognitions in your prospects brain, the ultimate sense-overflow in the prospect’s mind that gets them to chase you

This sales skills course on focuses on the most important part of sales: the pitch, meaning the sales presentation – how to pitch to get your ideas fully across. It allows you to clearly frame your idea, product or service to get maximum venture capital. It focuses on the delivery of the pitch, what to say and how to say as well as how to structure your pitch, while giving loads of background what happens in the prospect’s mind when you do so.

Storytelling is the most under-used sales technique. This is why it is so powerful. Be one of the few who learns it now and become a great presenter and storyteller.

Finally this offer even includes a 30-day full money back guarantee, so there is no risk at all but a huge upside…

« I would have made many common mistakes that this course has pointed out. Stefan has an excellent at teaching on how to be a better salesperson and really explains everything at a good speed using practical, understandable examples that make sense. » Rodney. Doussot

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Entrepreneurs & solopreneurs
Sales people & account managers
Anyone who desires to become great at presentations and persuasion
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The Exact Blueprint to Empower Yourself: Your Product & Idea Pitch (Presentation Skills Inc. Scripts & Examples)

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