Podcast host John Lee Dumas of EntrepreneurOnFire generates $200,000+ a month Podcasting & shares the top 8 ways w/ YOU!

Podcast: The top 8 ways to monetize by Podcasting

Podcast host John Lee Dumas of EntrepreneurOnFire generates $200,000+ a month Podcasting & shares the top 8 ways w/ YOU!
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Description Every month, John generates over $150,000 directly as a result of his Podcast: EntrepreneurOnFire. You can find detailed reports of all of John’s income reports at EntrepreneurOnFire.com/income. In this course, John shares the top 8 ways to monetize your podcast in 8 separate and detailed modules. The modules include ways to monetize your Podcast via: Sponsorships EVERYTHING you need to know Rates to negotiate Email scripts to use Sample contracts to protect yourself How to actually insert a sponsorship into a Podcast MUCH much more on how EntrepreneurOnFire generates over $40,000 every month via Sponsorships alone. Coaching The steps to take for 1 on 1 coaching Group Coaching What rates you should charge Getting certified How to find perfect clients. Books The power of Amazon How the power of free can generate HUGE income for you in the long run Masterminds The step by step through the process I created to launch FireNationElite HowFireNationElitegenerates 5-figures in recurring revenue every month. Joint Ventures How they can be used as a powerful tool to monetize your Podcast Create priceless relationships for the life of your business Speaking Everyone’s #1 Phobia, The ways you can leverage your Podcasting into speaking opportunities and into revenue! Affiliate Relationships The benefits of setting up the right affiliate relationships 2 affiliate relationships you can sign up for today 1 specifically that is a HOMERUN for EVERY Podcaster Products and Services Why there are the number one revenue generator for EntrepreneurOnFire How to find out the perfect products to create for your audience. How to test them How to determine proof of concept Tools to use to create and SELL these wonderful products and services to your audience…and beyond! **Every section is accompanied by the slides in a PDF format. John Lee Dumas is the Founder and Host of EntrepreneurOnFire, a top ranked podcast named « Best in iTunes 2013 ». John interviews today’s most inspiring and successful Entrepreneurs 7-days a week and has been featured in both TIME and Inc. Magazine, and is the founder of Podcasters’ Paradise; a community where Podcasters can create, grow, and monetize their podcast. EntrepreneurOnFire generates over 800,000 unique downloads a month with past guests such as Seth Godin, Tim Ferriss, Barbara Corcoran, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Guy Kawasaki. Recaps of the 600+ episodes and MUCH more can be found at EOFire.com. À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Beginner, Intermediate, & Expert PodcastersAfficher plusAfficher moins

Podcast host John Lee Dumas of EntrepreneurOnFire generates $200,000+ a month Podcasting & shares the top 8 ways w/ YOU!

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