Podcasting Beginners Guide

Podcast: A Beginners Guide to Podcasting

Podcasting Beginners Guide
Notes de 4,4 sur 5
22 Avis
345  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



This course is for anyone looking to start a podcast today.

Join over 3,000 students being taught in over 100 countries!

This is a no nonsense, straight to the point crash course that will allow you to have your podcast up and running today!

This course will allow you to understand why you should start a podcast, help with choosing the concept of the podcast, decide on which equipment you will need, explore the the design work of the podcast, recording and editing and also where to host and distribute your podcast.

You have everything you need in one place to start your podcast today!

Having hosted my own shows on national television and radio, along with leading highly acclaimed podcast shows featuring BBC stars, Olympic stars and more, you will learn the steps from beginning to end and understand the importance of each.

Podcasting can also significantly increase brand awareness positioning you or your brand as the authority on a given subject and be used as part of a digital marketing strategy.

Podcasting listenership is on the rise and is here to stay so what are you waiting for! Enroll today and turn your idea into a reality.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Beginners Looking to Start a Podcast
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