Script Photoshop with Javascript and save time!

Photoshop Scripting with Javascript for Beginners

Script Photoshop with Javascript and save time!
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64 Avis
241  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Javascript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world.

Photoshop is the most used graphic design tool in the world. 

If you add Javascript to Photoshop, together they are greater than the sum of their parts.

Photoshop with Javascript was born out of the need to create custom scripts for use in Photoshop without having to build a complete plugin. 

I found myself working in media industries where Photoshop was the tool of choice for it’s powerful design features and needed to work smarter to get tasks done.

So I learned how to use Photoshop scripting to my advantage, in this course, I’m going to show you how to get started!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
You’re a designer using the most powerful image editing software – Photoshop
You’re a Javascript developer who often deals with designers who use Photoshop
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Script Photoshop with Javascript and save time!

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