Learn Photoshop and Illustrator from Scratch to Master Level with 100+ Projects ,350+ Lectures,40+ Hours Video Content

Photoshop and Illustrator MasterCourse : 100+ Projects

Learn Photoshop and Illustrator from Scratch to Master Level with 100+ Projects ,350+ Lectures,40+ Hours Video Content
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560 Avis
26 025  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Are you searching for a 1-Stop Course , where you can Learn both Photoshop and Illustrator from Scratch to Master Level , where you can Learn Designing Awesome Logos , Cartoon Faces , Flowers , Mandalas, Design Effects , Text Effects , Animation Effects , Retouching & Restoration and The Dream of every Designer – Photo Manipulation – Creating Magical Effects !! Creating Fantasy Environment !!

Welcome to this Mega Course – Photoshop and Illustrator MasterCourse which Consists of :

40+ Hours Video Content

Over 100’s of Projects Included

More than 350 Lectures

In Illustrator , we are going to cover the following Topics :

Design Effects

Text Effects

Designing Professional Logos

Abstract Backgrounds

Designing Awesome Flowers

Designing Cartoon Faces

Designing Mandalas

Mastering Effects

Mastering 3D in Illustrator

and many more …

In Photoshop we are going to cover the Following Topics :

Design Effects

Text Effects




Mastering Pen Tool in Depth (for selecting anything , even Person [for Photo Manipulation])

Awesome Animation Effects

Business Card Design

Photo Manipulation Tips , Tricks and Techniques

and many more …

Every Month , we are going to have different Projects , may it be some Photoshop project or Illustrator Project , so that you can maintain yourself as an Active Designer

Practice Images and Resource Files are Included . More Practice Images will be shared and solved

After taking this course,you will Master Both Photoshop and Illustrator .You will gain enormous confidence in yourself, that you can take up any professional Project. You can Manipulate Images as your wish . You can create your own Fantasy World.You can design Cartoon faces , Awesome Professional Logos , Abstract Backgrounds , Design Effects , Text Effects etc ..

I am really feeling honored to walk you through everything step by step and while taking lectures , if at any point , you feel like you need any help from me regarding this course , please feel free to let me know

So , are you excited to become a Professional High Level Designer and ready to dive into Design World and explore every bits of it ? 

Lets get Started !! Enroll in this course and take the first step to become an Active Photoshop and Illustrator Designer.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This course is for all of those , who want to Learn Photoshop and Illustrator and want to become Professional Designer
If you want to Learn Photoshop and Illustrator from scratch , this course is for you
If you want to increase your design skills , this course is for you
If you want to design Awesome Logos , Cartoon Faces , Mandalas , Abstract Backgrounds in Illustrator , this course is for you
If you want to Learn Retouching , Restoration , Design Effects , Text Effects , then this course is for you
If you want to Master Pen Tool , this course is for you
If you want to Learn Photo Manipulation Tips Tricks , this course is for you
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Learn Photoshop and Illustrator from Scratch to Master Level with 100+ Projects ,350+ Lectures,40+ Hours Video Content

19,99 €
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