Archives  Cours Udemy

Curso de Vitrinismo / Visual Merchandising

Description Curso básico e rápido que vai dar noções para desenvolver projetos de Vitrinismo/Visual Merchandising. Atribuindo ao profissional ferramentas fundamentais e conhecimento técnico para melhor atender seus clientes e suas necessidades de mercado. Serve para qualquer tipo de vitrine. VOCÊ…

competitor analysis tools(أدوات تحليل المنافسين)

Description             هذا الكورس يساعدك على طرق التفكير على كيفيه البدء فى دراسه المنافسين وكيفيه استخدام الادوات وانا اعلم جيدا انه لا يناسب المحترفين هذا الكورس سوف يساعد كثير من المبتدئين فى المجال ومن الناس…

Instagram For (Beginners): Fast Track Training

Description Instagram For (Beginners): Fast Track Training. Want to build a brand online? Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Increase Your Influence With Instagram. Dear Friend, An Instagram influencer is someone who is well known within their niche.…

The Deadly Affiliates Marketing Mistakes And Solutions

Description Embark on a transformative journey through the intricacies of affiliate marketing with our comprehensive course, « The Deadly Affiliate Marketing Mistakes and Solutions. » Designed for both novice and experienced affiliate marketers, this course delves deep into common pitfalls that can…

Facebook (Live) (Beginners & Advanced): Fast Track Training

Description Facebook (Live) (Beginners & Advanced): Fast Track Training. Want to create buzz quickly? Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Profit The Largest Online Audience Using Facebook Live. Upgrade Your Skills And Expertise With Our Advanced Video Training……

Fiverr Blueprint – Make a Steady Fiverr Income

DescriptionI have personally been working on fiverr as a freelancer in several different niches. I started from almost nothing, fighting and clawing my way to the top. I became so busy with orders that I started hiring out other people to…

The miracle of YouTube –

DescriptionThere is still a lot of things to be done with YOUTUBE. The only regret that I have is not starting a YOUTUBE channel back in 2009. Come on, It’s easy and you will need to focus with few things…

Стратегия интернет-маркетинга. Как создать c нуля?

Description 15 лет опыта в интернет-маркетинге и доступ к самым актуальным данным, которые дают статусы Google Premier Partner и Facebook Marketing Partner, позволили создать этот практический курс в форме чек-листа. Что есть в курсе? Ответы на ключевые вопросы, которые интересуют…

Sosyal Medya Pazarlaması, Reklamcılığı ve Yönetimi Eğitimi

Description Sosyal Medya Pazarlaması, Reklamcılığı ve Yönetimi Eğitimi İle Sosyal Medya Platformlarını Etkili Bir Şekilde Kullanarak Markalar İçin Sosyal Medya Departmanlarında Görev Alabileceksiniz. Kullanıcı Deneyiminin Ön Planda Olduğu Sosyal Medya Profesyonel Temaları Oluşturarak Markaların Sosyal Medya Hesaplarını Etkili Bir Şekilde…