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Storytelling Framework Masterclass

DescriptionI want to help you, the people who want to use stories to sell like the gurus do. The people who want to build a loyal customer base that will come back again and again… Who want to overcome the…

Keyword Research & SEO Content Writing For Beginners

Description : ̗̀➛ Learn the super smart, time saving low competition keyword research process that helps you find low competition keywords, interest keywords, search volume data, keyword difficulty checker score and much more. In this course, you will understand why…

Getting Started with SEO: Keyword Research

DescriptionDon’t begin to spend time (or money) on an SEO campaign without first doing some keyword research. This will tell you if your customers are turning to the search engines to find your business. If they are, keyword research will help…

Curso de Vitrinismo / Visual Merchandising

Description Curso básico e rápido que vai dar noções para desenvolver projetos de Vitrinismo/Visual Merchandising. Atribuindo ao profissional ferramentas fundamentais e conhecimento técnico para melhor atender seus clientes e suas necessidades de mercado. Serve para qualquer tipo de vitrine. VOCÊ…