Archives  Cours Udemy

How to Use Instagram for Beginners

Description Learn how to use and grow your Instagram account for small businesses. Learn why you need to use a business account vs. a personal profile account. And what about private accounts?  This course also explains how the bio’s work…

Online Reputation Management: Earning Positive Reviews

Description *** Course Updated, Wednesday, Dec. 23, 2015 *** Many of your customers – and future customers – practically live online every day. They text. They Tweet. They search for goods and services and, sometimes, they’ll leave reviews for restaurants;…

Social Media In the ESL classroom

DescriptionIn the following course you will learn to create amazing content, classes and class resources within the topic of social media. Useour guidelines to help you create the best worksheets, slect the most suitable social media for your class and…

Complete Guide to Marketing Small Business with AI

DescriptionUnleash the Power of AI in Your Small Business Marketing with Blaze AI!Are you a small business owner or marketer looking to revolutionize your marketing efforts? Our course, “Complete Guide to Marketing Small Business with AI: Blaze AI: Transforming Small…

90 Günlük Eylem Planı

Description Bu kursun süresi yaklaşık 6 saattir. 6 saat sonra çok büyük ihtimalle Network Marketing yaşamınızda tüm hayal kırıklıklarını, başarısızlıkları geride bırakacaksınız. Ben Network Marketing işine 1997 yılında başladım. 15 yıl boyunca bu sektörde sıfır çektim. 12 yıl boyunca sadece…


Description 這堂課程適合所有想要透過網路行銷的朋友。如果你想要知道網路行銷如何運作,網路行銷為什麼能協助你曝光,facebook粉絲頁如何增加粉絲、如何經營內容,你如何使用強大的facebook廣告,這堂課就是為你設計的。有網路就不要回頭走馬路。現在就開始建購你的網路行銷通路吧。 如果你是以下這些朋友,千萬不要錯過! 1、如果你正在猶豫到底創業需不需要直接投資店面就讓我們來告訴你,如何用最低成本的網路平台來銷售商品 2、如果你已正式開店,成本還沒回收,每天想到開店就不安讓我們來教你,如何配合粉絲頁提升店面業績,甚至開啟網路通路 3、如果你還不知道之後要做什麼,對未來方向虛無飄渺那麼我們真心建議你一定要來上這堂課,打通心法幫助你找到明確的人生方向 4、如果你想在新的一年裡創造更高的業績和收入我們更推薦你一定要參加這個課程 行銷達人暨暢銷書【Facebook非試不可的行銷術】作者林達宏親自開班授課! À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ? 想要透過網路創業的人 想要有被動收入的人 想要透過網路收集名單的人 Afficher plus