The smarter way to tackle complex User Experience and Product Design — with the power of OOUX + ORCA!

Object-Oriented UX (OOUX) Fundamentals

The smarter way to tackle complex User Experience and Product Design — with the power of OOUX + ORCA!
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Object-Oriented UX (OOUX) is a power tool every UX Designer should have in their toolkit. In this course, OOUX founder and Evangelist Sophia Prater teams up with UX consultant, author and popular Udemy instructor Joe Natoli to show you how to use OOUX to collaboratively create clarity from chaos — simplifying and supercharging User Experience and Product Design efforts.

OOUX doesn’t replace anything you are already doing, like Design Thinking or any flavor of Agile methodology — instead, it complements and powers-up UX research, UX writing, task flow design, UI design, and design systems work.

At its core, OOUX turns any design challenge into a tangible, approachable, solvable puzzle. So many UXers have claimed that OOUX « makes UX fun again. »

You’ll learn to build solid foundations and reusable parts that align to your user’s mental model and the business model.

« I believe that OOUX is the missing link in product development. »
Sjur Grønningsæter, Product Designer

« Gets you knee-deep into the important bits »

Carrie Lee, UX Writer

« Really nothing beats this process in breaking down the complexity of a problem before the detailed design and dev work begins. OOUX is going to save the whole industry so much time and money… »

Kristin Ouellette Muskat, Design Research Lead

« OOUX/ORCA is an excellent bridge between UX Research and UX Design »

John Crisp, UX Designers and Front-end Developer

If you’re exhausted by the feature-by-feature approach to UX and Product Design, hours of rework, and frequent thoughts of “why did no one bring this up earlier?” and generally feeling like you are designing in the dark, OOUX is your floodlight. With OOUX, you can illuminate the big picture while also exposing all the shady nooks where sticky details tend to hide.

(Which, incidentally, tend to be the places methodologies like Design Thinking overlook completely.)

No more “deer in headlights” moments when faced with complex problems — immediately after this course, you’ll be equipped to systematically break complex products into their smallest parts before architecting elegant, scalable, object-oriented designs in a game-like way.

If you’re just starting your UX career and want to ground yourself in best practices, OOUX is a must-have for approaching products holistically. And if you are 20+ years into your career and feel ready to learn something truly game-changing, come on in.

What you’ll learn

Through this course, you’ll learn the basics of OOUX, how to implement it, and how to share it with your team:

After starting with an overview of the benefits of OOUX (to your work and your career!), you’ll walk through the first steps of how to orient a product around its objects — the core concepts your users actually care about.

You’ll learn how to identify and solidify a system’s objects, pinpoint where and how the objects relate to each other, capture all the ways users can act upon each object, and flesh out their structure with core content and metadata.

You’ll also see how this totally ROCKS your product design and UX process, elevating your approach to new holistic levels that will save you time and energy.

Build onto your OOUX foundation with 4 OOUX Laws that will help you fight back against unintuitive designs sabotaging your product. (You won’t be able to unseen them after module 4, sorry not sorry!)

Dive into representing your OOUX work in card and detail page sketches. Sophia demos how pulling it all together to create contextual navigation, eliminate duplicate work and missed connections, and takes the guesswork out of visualizing a product.

Finally, get even more wind under your wings with advice and suggestions for how to introduce your colleagues to OOUX, bringing a shared language and more efficient collaboration to your team.

During this introductory course, we’ll take on an example design challenge and you’ll use the included workbook to complete the five main activities. Once the course is over, take a fresh copy of the workbook with you into your workplace and let your new OOUX skills propel you into headache-free, future-proofed UX.

Here’s what just a few product design pros have said about OOUX:

« A must have toolkit »
Raktim Chatterjee, Lead UXer

« OOUX is next level for experience design »
Shelley Garner, Senior UXer

« It’s not just A way to do things, it’s THE way. »
Jacob Wadenpfuhl, UX Director

« My new ‘secret weapon’ for managing complexity »
Karen Hewell, Content Strategist

« OOUX really gave me a voice […] it’s a framework that takes term and concept definition work seriously. »

David Connis, Senior UX Writer and Content Designer

« a brilliant process for my team »

Tracey Vantyghem, Information Architect and UX Writer

« A framework to confidently tackle complexity »

Zainab Kashim, Product Designer

Still not sure? Google « OOUX Testimonials » and you will be.

We can’t wait to see you in the course!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
UX Designers who want to better wrangle complex systems, communicate more effectively with their team and stakeholders, and (coincidentally) boost their career.
Developers tasked with UX and UI work who want a no-nonsense formula for solid, intuitive product design.
UX managers and directors wondering if OOUX is right for their team.
Content Strategists, Content Designers, and UX Writers looking to add more depth and structure to their work.
Anyone looking for a systematic approach to structuring user experiences that are easy to understand and easy to build.
Anyone who is interested in OOUX and wants a quick course on getting up to speed with the foundations of the ORCA Process!
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The smarter way to tackle complex User Experience and Product Design — with the power of OOUX + ORCA!

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