How to talk to a reporter and get the exact messages and quotes you want in the final story

Media Training for Print/Online Interviews-Get Great Quotes

How to talk to a reporter and get the exact messages and quotes you want in the final story
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24 Avis
10 704  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Media Training. Imagine knowing before a news interview starts, exactly what quotes of yours are going to end up in that newspaper or online publication. You can control not only your messages but your sound bites and quotes that get into final stories.

You never have to be fearful of reporters again.

This Media Training course is designed specifically for people who are about to do media interviews with print reporters and online journalists (There is no on-camera TV training in this course). Students will learn exactly how to shape a media message, answer questions from reporters and speak in sound bites. If you are nervous or uncertain about how to get through a news media interview with a newspaper or text-based journalist, this course is specifically designed for you. The course has numerous specific videos outlining step-by-step the process you need to take in preparing for interviews. If you want to gain control of interviews and avoid career-damaging quotes, this Media Training course is designed for you. 

Why go through even one more day lacking the skills you need to master print and online media interviews. Why take the risk of doing a bad or mediocre media interview when you could be giving great interviews, starting today. Sign up for this Media Training course now.

 There is a 100% Money-Back Guarantee for this Media Training course. And the instructor also provides an enhanced guarantee.

What will students achieve or be able to do after taking this Media Training course?

Master newspaper interviews

Control Online news interviews

Understand the fundamentals of media interviews

Create Media Messages

Understand the process of answering questions in media interviews

Learn how to make messages quotable

What do Udemy Students say about this Media Training course?

« 5 Stars! I have worked as a print journalist and this course is effective for anyone who needs to get ready to be interviewed. » Rick Sheridan

 »Short, clear, powerful. » Steve Edelman

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Business executives
Public officials
PR executives
Crisis managers
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How to talk to a reporter and get the exact messages and quotes you want in the final story

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