All You Need To Know About The Materials And Finishes Used In Interior Spaces For Ceiling, Walls And Floors.

Materials and Finishes in Interior Design

All You Need To Know About The Materials And Finishes Used In Interior Spaces For Ceiling, Walls And Floors.
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355 Avis
7 220  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



The interior design world is always upgrading and improving all the aspects that contribute to a better design and therefore a better lifestyle. The options of materials and finishes are growing day by day, we never had more access to a variety of raw materials and technologically sophisticated surfaces and styles like we do in the present. The market is full of choices and possibilities that can get you overwhelmed and maybe a little bit off-track. The smart and ideal decision taken when deciding  on specific finish is all based on the context, meaning that every case or project in interior design requires a specific finish treatment. For that reason i intended to clarify and elaborate in this course 7 main materials and finishes in interior design.

The general content of this course include:

Definition of the material,

Types and subcategories of the material,

Finishes available for this material,

Tables of comparisons,

Pros and cons,

Specific usage of each material,

Overview on the installation process.

In addition, I will take you on site in 2 lectures and present an overview of the tiling and false ceiling installation process.   


–> Join me in this highly informative course and let’s get as much knowledge as possible to master our profession 🙂 <-- À qui ce cours s'adresse-t-il ? in general, any individual seeking extra knowledge in the materials and finishes required in interior décor, specifically: Interior designers, Architects, Decorators and craftsman Afficher plus

All You Need To Know About The Materials And Finishes Used In Interior Spaces For Ceiling, Walls And Floors.

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