The ultimate masterclass to become UI/UX Expert

Mastering Figma: Beginner to Expert [2022]

The ultimate masterclass to become UI/UX Expert
Notes de 4,4 sur 5
294 Avis
15 850  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Are you a beginner who wants to kick-start in UI/UX world? Or

Are you a experience designer who has a knowledge in UI/UX but wants to advance it by learning Figma?

If so, you can’t be in a place better than this one! Best way to learn new skill is learning by practice.

Welcome to the « Mastering Figma: Beginner to Expert »  where we will diving deeper into UI/UX world.

This course is dedicated to giving students an up-to-date insights at Figma. Through the course you will learn how all different elements work together. The course is both theoretical and practical hands on. Upon successful completion of the course, you will be able to build your own Web and Mobile Design using the best practices taught throughout the course.

Figma is an interface design application that runs in the browser–but it’s actually much more than that. I would go so far as to say it’s probably the best application for team-based collaborative design projects.

Figma gives you all the tools you need for the design phase of the project, including vector tools which are capable of fully-fledged illustration, as well as prototyping capabilities, and code generation for hand-off.

What will you get at the end of the course?

⦁ You will know how to add design Web page

⦁ You will know how to add design Mobile App

⦁ You will know how to add prototype

⦁ You will know how to generate code out of design

⦁ You will know how animate designs

⦁ You will know how to collaborate with teams

⦁ You will know how to make designs responsive

The course is for all skill levels and experiences.

All this just for a price of a typical breakfast at restaurant!

So, it is the best time to invest into yourself and learn a skill which can boost you career and salary!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
UI/UX Designers
Graphic Designers
Web Designers
Beginners in Design Field
Developers who wants to learn UI/UX
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The ultimate masterclass to become UI/UX Expert

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