Mastering CFD Analysis and Optimization using SolidWorks: Unleash the Power of the Free Surface Technique

Mastering CFD Analysis & Optimization using SolidWorks V.3

Mastering CFD Analysis and Optimization using SolidWorks: Unleash the Power of the Free Surface Technique
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26 Avis
284  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Welcome to our comprehensive online course, « Mastering CFD Analysis and Optimization using SolidWorks. » With a total of 13 videos spanning approximately five hours, this course is designed to equip intermediate and advanced learners with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the field of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis and optimization. Throughout the course, we focus on leveraging the powerful SolidWorks Free Surface technique, a cutting-edge feature introduced in SolidWorks 2018 and onwards, to address complex fluid mixing challenges within a single fluid domain.

Course Overview

Our course revolves around industry-specific problems, expertly presented in a simple and accessible manner through real-world examples. With some of the projects derived from an engineering PhD thesis, you can rest assured that you’ll be learning from the best in the field. As an added bonus, we have included essential CAD models to serve as valuable resources for practical exercises.

1. Introduction to CFD Basics and Free Surface technique in SolidWorks

2. CFD Sloshing Effect in Oil Tankers and its reduction

3. CFD Sloshing Effect of Water inside a Bottle

4. CFD Hydroelectric Project

5. CFD Flow Simulation and Particle Study of a Fluidized Bed Gasifier

6. CFD Fluid Mixing inside a Gasoline Chamber

7. CFD Heat Transfer Analysis inside a Cup

8. CFD Heat Transfer Analysis and Optimization through a special Surface Condenser

9. CFD Heat Transfer Analysis and Water Misting Effect inside a Room

10. CFD Flow Simulation through a Nozzle and Water Misting Effect

11. CFD Molding Process

12. CFD Transient Analysis with Heterogeneous Fluid Mixing

13. CFD Free Surface technique through inter-connected Chambers

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Engineering students, CAD/CAM/CAE Professionals and CFD experts
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Mastering CFD Analysis and Optimization using SolidWorks: Unleash the Power of the Free Surface Technique

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