Learn everything you always wanted to know about layer masks and clipping masks in Procreate

Masking in Procreate: Understanding Clipping and Layer Masks

Learn everything you always wanted to know about layer masks and clipping masks in Procreate
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36 Avis
263  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Digital painting is a great addition to our creative repertoire. It permits us to include texture, transparency, symmetry, repetition, distortion, perfect shapes… to our artworks super quickly but, if we want to get the most of it, we must learn how to use properly the tools that it has to offer.

In this class, we will learn all about two fantastic tools that will make our lives much more easier: layer masks and clipping masks. Thanks to these tools we will speed up our drawing process and stop making destructive edits to our drawings.

We will start learning what masking is and the different ways we have to mask an image in Procreate. Then we will talk about layer masks and clipping mask, how to create, modify and the differences between them. And finally, I will show you when and how I use them to create illustrations, lettering effects, animations…

We will learn:

How clipping and layer masks work and when to use them.

To create smooth transitions between textures and colors (gradients).

To intertwine letters and images.

To add a pattern, gradient or texture to our lettering.

To composite and blend images.

To animate a drawing.

To make collages.

To make mockups.

This class is perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to use Procreate to its fullest potential. I will explain everything step by step but you will make the most of this class if you have basic knowledge of Procreate.

Let’s stop erasing and start masking!

Bonus lesson: Interlaced lettering

Would you like to get more creative with your lettering? I will show you how to create your own interlaced lettering design using layer masks and clipping masks.

You will learn:

– to import text images into Procreate.

– to apply techniques for volumetric lighting.

– to enhance your lettering with light effects.

– to utilize Procreate brushes to add texture to your drawing.

– to use layer masks as a way to hide sections of a layer in order to reveal what is in the layer below.

– to use clipping masks as a way to add patterns, textures, and shadows to a specific area.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Aspiring artist and illustrators
Beginner and Intermediate Procreate users
People interested in creating digital illustrations, photo compositions, mockups and simple animations
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Learn everything you always wanted to know about layer masks and clipping masks in Procreate

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