3 Key Steps To Understand What Sets You Apart, Who Your Ideal Customer Is and How To Jumpstart Your Marketing

Marketing for Entrepreneurs: Where Do I Even Begin?

3 Key Steps To Understand What Sets You Apart, Who Your Ideal Customer Is and How To Jumpstart Your Marketing
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Welcome to Marketing for Entrepreneurs: Where Do I Even Begin?

You’re good at what you do, but finding your target audience and creating messaging that matters is something totally different. We get it, you may not be ready to add a dedicated marketing resource or even a consultant to your team. There is TONS of information out there on marketing do’s and don’ts, and we love a good blog or article as much as the next person. But how do you pull it all together and make sense of the noise and figure out where to start? Don’t worry we’ve got you covered!

This course is designed to give you actionable tasks you can make to begin to pull back the curtain on some of the foundational basics of marketing and help you apply it to your business.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Business owners looking to start their marketing strategy
A business owner who is great at their craft or has a great product but has no idea how to effectively market
Businesses who are struggling to figure out who their target audience is
Businesses who need to clearly understand what sets them apart
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3 Key Steps To Understand What Sets You Apart, Who Your Ideal Customer Is and How To Jumpstart Your Marketing

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