Master Facebook Chat Bot Markting with Manychat, Build Sequences, Use Flow Builder & Build Your First Manychat Chat Bot

Manychat Masterclass: Build Facebook Chat Bots with Manychat

Master Facebook Chat Bot Markting with Manychat, Build Sequences, Use Flow Builder & Build Your First Manychat Chat Bot
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227 Avis
5 911  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Would you like to know how to build sophisticated Manychat chat bots? Then this course is for you. In this Manychat Chat Bot Masterclass, you will learn how to set up your first Facebook Bot, how o build sequences and AI rules as well as work with the flow builder.

What exactly will you learn in this course?

Flow Builder, Sequences, and Messages – In this part of the course, you will learn how to use the Manychat Flow Builder and create sequences. You’ll learn all about keywords, tags, conditions, your Manychat Audience Tool, and more.

Growth Tools – You will learn how to use different widgets effectively. We take a step-by-step look at how to build Landing Pages in Manychat, how to insert bot links into buttons, how to put widgets and pop-ups on your website, and much more.

Facebook Ads & JSON – You probably signed up for this course because you wanted to learn more about messenger ads or JSON. In this part of the course, we’ll learn how to increase our bot subscribers number through professional Facebook ads and learn about JavaScript code snippets for the Manychat JSON tool. Do not worry – no existing programming skills are needed in this regard.

Customer Service Bots – In addition to the theoretical background, we will also go through dozens of practical examples in this course. We learn how to develop a customer service bot and learn how to create AI Rules in order to set up an artificial intelligence.

GDPR – At the end of the course, we will make your bot as GDPR compliant as possible. We talk about topics such as double opt-in procedures, imprints and data protection duties, collecting data, data mining and much more.

After completing this course you will be able to do the following things:

Create professional chat bot sequences, Flows and AI Rules with Manychat

Set up customer service chat bots that automatically answer questions

Understand how to use the Manychat tool JSON

Gain more subscribers for your chat bot through Facebook Ads & content marketing strategies

Improve your marketing strategies by using KPIs (key performance indicators)

Work with messenger ads through the Manychat Ads Tool

What are you waiting for? Enroll in this course today and become a Manychat professional.


Marketing Hero
– your instructor –

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Online marketers who want to learn how to program their own chat bots
Everyone who is looking for a complete guide on Manychat
Business owners who would like to automate their custom service through chat bots
People interested in online marketing and automation
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Master Facebook Chat Bot Markting with Manychat, Build Sequences, Use Flow Builder & Build Your First Manychat Chat Bot

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