Social Media Management using Public Relations Principles from content creation to scheduling for your business.

Managing Social Media with Public Relations.

Social Media Management using Public Relations Principles from content creation to scheduling for your business.
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76 Avis
161  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



This course is designed to empower businesses with the knowledge and tools to succeed in managing Social Media using Public Relations Principles.

Suppose you are looking at managing your social media in-house or bringing your social media management back in-house? In that case, this course is perfect for you!

It is designed for the busy business manager as it contains bite-sized videos, and the content keeps things simple and to the point. The course includes valuable resources as informative as videos, practical activities and quizzes to reinforce the learning and add value to your learning experience. It is self-paced, so it can fit in with your busy work schedule.

This course will highlight Public Relations for the digital space, mainly your social media. What is Public Relations? Public Relations or (PR) is essentially about the relationship with your Public.

It is defined as; the practice of managing the spread of information between an organization or an individual and the Public.

It involves building and maintaining positive relationships with various stakeholders, such as customers, investors, employees, the media and so forth.

The primary goal of PR is to create a favourable image of your business in the eyes of the Public.

From here, you are then guided through the steps to batch creating monthly Facebook and Instagram social media content shaped around Public Relations Principles, from image capturing, content writing, scheduling, ethics, analytics and more, saving your business time and money, most importantly, by bringing your reputation management back in your control.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This course is suitable for business owners and managers who have an existing Social Media Presence and want to bring it back in-house; alternatively, if your business is new to Social Media and you want to avoid an agency managing it.
This course is also suitable for those recognising that their current Social Media marketing attempts would benefit moving to Public Relations.
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Social Media Management using Public Relations Principles from content creation to scheduling for your business.

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