Modeling and texturing low poly game assets using Blender 2.8 and Substance Painter

Low poly game assets using Blender 2.8 & Substance Painter

Modeling and texturing low poly game assets using Blender 2.8 and Substance Painter
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



For games polygon count is important and the lesser it is, the better. But we need to have game assets that look detailed in terms of textures without having high polygon count.

In this course, together we’ll learn how to achieve the look of high poly game assets using Substance Painter while we’ll build low poly game assets in Blender 2.8.

In Blender 2.8, we’ll:

Learn to use Blender 2.8 and common keyboard shortcuts

Model low poly game assets using different modeling techniques i.e. inset, extrude, bevel

Make use of Blender modifiers to make modeling process easy

Uv-unwrap low poly game assets

Transfer uv-map between similar 3d models

We’ll spend a lot of  time in Substance Painter to create:

Base texture details

Roughness, normal and height information

Scratches, edge wear, dirt and rust

Together, we’ll model & texture three game assets:

Wooden Skid


Traffic cone

By the end of this, you’ll be able to use Blender 2.8 and Substance Painter to create your own low poly game assets.

While in terms of modeling, course is targeted at beginners, training on substance painter is useful for artists of all levels.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
The course is intended for you if you are interested in becoming a game artist with a focus on modeling and texturing low poly game assets
If you use/intend to use Blender 2.8 & Substance Painter as main tools for modeling & texturing of low poly game assets
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Modeling and texturing low poly game assets using Blender 2.8 and Substance Painter

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