Taking Full Advantage of this Business Platform

LinkedIn Social Selling & Job Search + Free Profile Review

Taking Full Advantage of this Business Platform
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65  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



LinkedIn is the most important business networking platform giving professionals the ability to connect, expand their network and promote their skills, services and products.

LinkedIn is much more than a business social platform, it is also an unprecedented source of new customers, prospects and partners. And it can help you land a new or better paid job.

LinkedIn is your digital business card and can become a very powerful network platform. Personal branding is becoming increasingly important. How do you make a strong impression online? How do you connect to the right people? How do you distinguish yourself with a strong profile?

In this course, you will discover the power of LinkedIn as a way to advance your career or business.

Includes FREE review of your profile.

Following topics will be addressed in this practical training:

Key Concepts and settings on LinkedIn to get the most out of it

Creating a strong profile which will market, attract and sell for you

Targeting prospects using the Advanced Search and other tools

How to best connect with people (and how not to)

How to expand your network effortlessly by getting invitations from the right profiles

Tools on LinkedIn to market and promote you, your products / services & your business

How to get the most out of LinkedIn with a minimum time investment

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This course is aimed at everyone who wants to use LinkedIn in a more active way to find new opportunities, develop business and become top of mind in their network
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Taking Full Advantage of this Business Platform

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