From Static to Interactive: Master UI/UX with Figma Prototyping

Level Up Your UI/UX: Interactive Design & Prototyping Figma

From Static to Interactive: Master UI/UX with Figma Prototyping
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41 Avis
6 012  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Take your UI/UX skills to the next level with this comprehensive course on interactive design and prototyping in Figma.

No prior Figma experience is needed! Whether you’re a beginner designer or looking to refine your skillset, this course will equip you with the knowledge and practical skills to create stunning and engaging user interfaces.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

The fundamentals of interaction design and prototyping: Understand the core concepts behind interactive elements and how to use them to create intuitive and user-friendly interfaces.

Mastering Figma’s powerful prototyping tools: Dive deep into Figma’s features, from basic interactions to advanced animations. You’ll learn to create:

Interactive buttons and hover effects

Dynamic input fields and progress bars

Animated text and mega menus

Interactive web card sections and card flip animations

Drag and drop animations, mesh gradients, and hamburger menus

Sliders, floating action buttons, and auto-scrolling animations

FAQs, hero sections, skeleton animations, and more!

50+ Figma animation techniques: Go beyond the basics and explore a vast library of animation styles to bring your designs to life.

Bonus: Learn advanced techniques like cursor tracking and animated floating message buttons.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to:

Design and prototype interactive UI elements with confidence.

Create user interfaces that are both visually appealing and functionally engaging.

Impress clients and employers with your Figma skills and design expertise.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone curious about the power of interaction design in digital experiences.
Aspiring UI/UX designers looking to expand their skillset.
Product designers wanting to enhance their prototypes for better user testing and feedback.
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From Static to Interactive: Master UI/UX with Figma Prototyping

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