The essential source to really learn how to handle the atomic, transforms and adjustments nodes in Substance Designer!

Let us create patterns in Substance Designer!

The essential source to really learn how to handle the atomic, transforms and adjustments nodes in Substance Designer!
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This is the perfect starting point on your journey to learn Substance Designer when it comes to creating patterns. It is aimed towards beginners, but I’m sure there will be something to pick up even for those that have started to use the tool a bit.

I will go through how you create patterns, but not by showing you just one example. Instead I will go through four different patterns and I will recreate three of them in three different ways, so you really understand the different options and paths you can take when creating a pattern.

Here you will learn to use the atomic nodes, the extended transformation and adjustments nodes and some extra « good to have » nodes as well, so you always will have something to take out when things starts to get complicated when you start building your own patterns.

All the examples is already made inside the course in a Substance file that is attached as a resource, so there is no need for you to do the tedious work of adding nodes if you don’t want to. You can just follow what I have did and then analyze and tweak the result by yourself.

However, I really encourage you to experiment and play a lot with the nodes I show to become a real expert in creating patterns!

Now enlist and enjoy!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
This is aimed towards beginners in Substance Designers, but also for those that might struggle with the pattern creation part in Substance Designer.
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The essential source to really learn how to handle the atomic, transforms and adjustments nodes in Substance Designer!

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