Learn How To Send Bulk WhatsApp Messages To Accelerate Your Sales And Reach to your own audience with a high open rate

Learn WhatsApp Marketing From Scratch

Learn How To Send Bulk WhatsApp Messages To Accelerate Your Sales And Reach to your own audience with a high open rate
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Attention: Digital Marketers, Agency Owners, Coaches, Freelancers and Consultants

« Want To Learn How To Send Bulk WhatsApp Messages Toi Increase Your Sales And Reach to your own audience? »

Then this course is for you!!

What Will You Learn In This Course?

12+ Modules and 41 Video Lessons to make you master WhatsApp Marketing

Send Automatic Follow-up based on Events & Triggers with Automation

Manage Customers, Create Tickets ,Tags, Assign Agents & Much More with WhatsApp CRM

Simple drag and drop interface to build chatbots without tech help or coding and sell it as a premium service to your clients

Engage Customers 24 x 7 through WhatsApp with Smart Replies

Send Bulk Messages & Generate Leads and Sales with Broadcast

Build an intelligent WhatsApp Chatbot & make it handle sales & support queries on WhatsApp

Learn to Send Images, PDFs, Audio, Videos and Much more on WhatsApp in Bulk

This Course will help you build Your own Business Assistant to Acquire, Engage & Support Customers – 24×7 without complaining..!!

What’s waiting for you when you enroll?

Introduction to WhatsApp Marketing

WhatsApp Official API Overview

Setting Up Official API

Setting Up WhatsApp Tool

WhatsApp Contact Management

Templates Approval & Broadcasts

Teams & Agent Features

Automations – Reply Material

Automations – Default Action

Automations – Keyword Action

Chatbot Operations

Use-cases & Complete Automation

Why Use WhatsApp Marketing?

Send Smart Replies

Smart Replies are answer bots which help businesses to give automatic replies to users queries through WhatsApp, SMS & Websites without deploying any employees at backend and It’s future of friction less and instant business communication.

Sequences to convert Prospects to Customers

Sequences or Drip campaign is all about engaging customers through a series of automated messages which are relevant and personalized to each customer. It’s a must have tool to nurture a lead.

Send Mass Messages to Nurture Leads

Start Engaging With Your Prospects through Broadcaster. Reach Mass Audience with Personalized Messaging via Social Messaging & SMS

Create your own Flow Builder

Build Advances Chatbots with No Coding Skills using our advanced drag and drop flow builder. Build Once and deploy to all Social Messaging Channels & Website.

The course has easy to follow case studies and examples that allow you to take immediate action so that you can get started quickly!

Ultimately his course will teach you not just to see WhatsApp as a common messaging platform, but a formidable marketing tool that has the potential to explode your business and bring you tons of credible customers.

Don’t miss the opportunity to jump on this platform while your competitors aren’t there yet!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Freelancers – Who wants to increase their revenue-generation opportunities, acquire bigger clients by lending WhatsApp as a service
Coaches – who want to send whatsapp reminders for webinars and workshops and increase the turnout ratio by atleast 30%
D2C Companies – Ecommerce Specialists Who want to have a 24×7 Answering Machine so that you can send your order updates, upsells, shipping details and much more to your customers and increase your sales.
Agency Owners – Who want to grow their clients using WhatsApp Marketing
Mid-Level Digital Marketing Professionals – Who wants to be part of a growing community of some of the best minds in the industry
SaaS Companies, B2B and B2C Companies – Who want to dive into Whatsapp Marketing to grow their audience, Retain Customers and Upsell new products.
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Learn How To Send Bulk WhatsApp Messages To Accelerate Your Sales And Reach to your own audience with a high open rate

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