Learning all the basics of this rich Slide Show software.

Learn ProShow Producer – Beginning is Easy!

Learning all the basics of this rich Slide Show software.
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165 Avis
616  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionThis course is designed for beginning users of ProShow Producer 7 to get you up and running using ProShow Producer in « Automatic » mode. You’ll learn all of the basic tools that you’ll need to create a beautiful slide show easily and efficiently, including Pre-Designed Slide Styles, Transitions, and Templates. You’ll also learn how to use the Show Wizard as a great starting point to get your show started!Once you’ve created your show, you’ll learn how to burn it onto a DVD, create a beautifully customized DVD menu and save that menu file to use again in the future.À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?This course is intended for new users of ProShow Producer 7 who wish to use it in its most simplest form with pre-built Slide Styles and TemplatesThis course is also a great refresher for those who already use the software, but never learned in-depth details about some of its features, such as the Wizard and Templates.Afficher plusAfficher moins

Learning all the basics of this rich Slide Show software.

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