This course uses a lot of follow along instruction. You won’t simply be told where and how to find a feature, but more importantly when and why to use them.
You’ll learn everything you need to know about both Photopia Creator and Director in this course.
You’ll learn about:
Slide Styles – How to apply and adjust them.
(Director Only) How to Create Your Own Slide Styles
(Director Only) How to Create Your Own Transitions
Templates – How to apply and adjust them.
Keyframes – what the heck are they and how do I use them?
Masking Layers – What the heck are they and how do use them?
Adjustment Layers – How they differ from Masks
Shapes – how to apply, adjust and use shapes
Groups – best thing since sliced bread.
(Director Only) – Slices and Text Slices
Using Wizard Themes – a fast and easy way to create a show
Creating Your Own Wizard Themes – using your choice of Styles and Transitions to create a Wizard Theme
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À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone wanting to learn how to build their own slideshows
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