Learn how to model, texturize, light and renderize with Maya 2018 and Arnold Render.

Learn Maya 2018: Modeling a Motorcycle Cartoon.

Learn how to model, texturize, light and renderize with Maya 2018 and Arnold Render.
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Hello,  and your are very Welcome to our course Maya 2018: Modelling a Motorcycle Cartoon, We are a creation studio, with more than 10 years of existence, dedicated to courses in the IT, animation and game design areas, We offer both online and in-class courses. 

In this course, the student will follow and learn about the production stages of a cartoon style motorcycle, from the modeling till the rendering and the exporting the final image, using both Maya 2018 and Arnold Render resources.

First I’m going to show how to properly create and customize a project in Maya 2018, Next, we will learn how to import a reference image to the program, which will serve as a starting point for our modeling work, Once the image is loaded, we start the modeling of the motorcycle’s exhaust pipe and during that stage, we will make use of several tools and polygon modeling techniques.

Next, we start modeling the seat and the tank of the motorcycle, and for those items, I am going to use deformers and also create NURBS curves, which will help in the modeling process, After that, we start modeling the elements that will compose the motorcycle’s engine, and we are going to learn about the Isolate and the Smooth Mesh features as well as other modeling techniques, in addition to the view customization settings.

Next, I’m going to start the modeling of the motorcycle’s tyre. Using some techniques and tools we are going to create an element that will give a more realistic appearance to our model, To wrap up the modeling stage we are going to create the headlights, the handle bars and a background to the scene.

After the modeling stage is done, we will move to the lighting stage, The student will learn how to create a camera for the final render, as well as to create and configure all the lighting of the project, using the Arnold Render resources. After everything is ready, the student will learn to configure the parameters for the final render and also save the image in high-resolution.

To follow this course, the students will need a computer, previous knowledge of Maya, which can be obtained in our Maya Basic Course, available here at Udemy, or in our website, Also, a lot of energy and some cups of coffee to help keep you going, right?

This course is best suited for illustrators, animators, designers, or any other artist or professional that intends to sharpen their design and rendering skills in Maya 2018.

I strongly recommend you to take this course, which will help you improve the quality of your productions in Autodesk Maya 2018.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
The course is aimed at Game Designers, 3D Generalists, 3D Modelers, Designers, Game Developers, Animators, CAD users, Product Designers, Jewelry Designers and people in general with a keen interest in 3D and Game Art.
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Learn how to model, texturize, light and renderize with Maya 2018 and Arnold Render.

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