Learn 3D Modeling , Materials , Lights , Render and Animation in Blender!

Learn Blender The Right Way!

Learn 3D Modeling , Materials , Lights , Render and Animation in Blender!
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2 264 Avis
9 233  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Blender is a free and open source 3D modeling and animation software. Light and powerful, it caters for every step of the production process of a 3D animation.

In this course you will learn about Blender’s interface and fundamental concepts. In addition you will learn to:

Create and transform objects;

Use polygonal modeling tools to create your own objects;

Map, texture and create materials of various types, including PBR materials with PBR textures;

Lighten and render scenes using EEVEE and Cycles;

Illuminate scenes using HDR images;

Configure hierarchies between objects;

Create simple animations.

All topics are covered from both the theoretical and practical points of view.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
People who want to create 3d scenes for games, films, architecture, animations, and so on…
3D Artists
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Learn 3D Modeling , Materials , Lights , Render and Animation in Blender!

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