Learn AutoCAD from Scratch Beginner Course Tutorial, Autodesk AutoCAD is very useful to grasp 2D & 3D like Gear, Threat

Learn AutoCAD from Scratch- AutoCAD 2021-17 Beginner Course

Learn AutoCAD from Scratch Beginner Course Tutorial, Autodesk AutoCAD is very useful to grasp 2D & 3D like Gear, Threat
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Learn AutoCAD from Scratch Beginner Course Tutorial- This course is them those wanted to learn about latest version of CAD from beginning to little advanced level, basically in this course we have demonstrate step by step guide to use useful commands of AutoCAD 2021-2017, that’s why you can follow steps and reach to the target easily.

What Students are Going to Learn-

Basics of AutoCAD

Unique approach to use the software

Able to draw objects in 2D

Able to draw objects 3D

Will have knowledge of 2D commands

Will have knowledge of 3D commands

What is the Target Audience-

Engineering students wanted to learn about AutoCAD

Wanted to know about designing

Is There Any Money Back Guarantee?

Yes there is 30 days money back guarantee.

Will I Get Certificate after Completing Course?

Yes, you will get certificate.

What is the Education Qualification of Instructor?

M.Tech(Mechanical Engineering)

What are Requirements-

Need to have basic knowledge of computer

Your Computer Must Capable of running AutoCAD software

How This Course is Helpful to Get Job?

Well, AutoCAD is a drafting course, you can of course learn about 3D as well in this course, the fact is, if you want to get job in design sector then you must know about drafting, which is very important to learn.

What is the Configuration Required to Run AutoCAD Software?

3 GHz Processor, 1GB Graphics, 8 GB RAM, .NET Framework, Adequate Disk Space- For smooth running of the software.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Who wants to have career in design sector
Who is beginner in AutoCAD
Who wants to start learning about CAD
Who wants to learn AutoCAD without timing boundation
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Learn AutoCAD from Scratch Beginner Course Tutorial, Autodesk AutoCAD is very useful to grasp 2D & 3D like Gear, Threat

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