*** NEWS 08 JUL 2023 ***
I have added the new Section 17 – Immersive Web Emulator to the course, which includes a 7-step tutorial about this useful tool developed by Meta Reality Labs to test your WebXR scenes without a physical XR device.
Moreover, the downloadable source code has been updated to the latest release v1.4.2 for the following lectures:
Lecture 43 « Why registering components »
Lecture 44 “The .init() handler”
Lecture 45 “Using the Schema”
Lecture 46 “The .update() handler”
Lecture 47 “The .tick() handler”
Lecture 48 « Blink teleportation component PART 1 »
Lecture 49 « Blink teleportation component PART 2 »
Lecture 50 « Entity spawner component »
Lecture 51 “Multiple entities component PART 1”
Lecture 52 “Multiple entities component PART 2”
Welcome to my A-Frame course, where you will be learning how to create and test your first WebVR scenes on any device (Desktop and VR headsets) within a few hours!
Whatever area of design or development you work in, you have probably started getting your head around Virtual Reality for the Web (WebVR) and, if you haven’t already, soon you will have to.
Indeed today the WebXR standard is incredibly well-supported on phones and desktop computers for almost all major headsets.
It’s clearly time for all creatives to get on board!
*** ABOUT ME ***
I am a designer with coding skills, and some of my WebVR works won awards in competitions and hackathons in April 2018 and March 2019.
April 2018
My entry « Epic Medieval Battle” was announced as one of the 3 winners achieving the 3rd place in the “WebVR Medieval Fantasy Experience Challenge”, the contest organised by Mozilla and Sketchfab.
March 2019
Working in team with an AR developer, we merged WebVR and AR technology for context-aware remote placement of content on 3D maps and real-time visualisation in the real world. Our project won the Community Vote Award at #SCAPEHACK 2019, the first hackathon organised by Scape Technologies in London.
If you want to keep an eye on my WebXR activity, you can follow me on Twitter: @theDart76
To view some of my WebXR works just visit my website (link in profile).
This is the most complete and detailed A-Frame course you can find on Udemy, and its content is structured to introduce you to all the topics, from the most basic to the more advanced ones, in a logical progression.
In each lecture, I explain the concepts with practical examples, allowing you to see the theory in practice. If you would like to have an idea of my way of teaching, have a look at the preview videos: you can watch the first 1 hour and 20 minutes of content for free!
Most importantly, I created this course in September 2017, when A-Frame was on v0.7.x, and since then I have kept it updated adding new content and information. Therefore you will have the opportunity to learn what has changed with its next releases.
Last but not least, as you will find plenty of examples and chucks of code online (e.g. on Glitch, CodePen, Stack Overflow) this course will also allow you to understand why some projects and experiments created using older versions of A-Frame may not work correctly when using the latest release.
*** CONTENT ***
By enrolling in this A-Frame course, you will learn how to use the Mozilla web framework for building awesome cross-platform Virtual Reality experiences.
The course is structured to cover all the knowledge that you need to get started with A-Frame and be able to:
Understand the basic syntax
Transform the objects in your scene
Modify the virtual environment
Load and display 3D models
Use standard and semantic animation
Interact with the objects (on Desktop and XR headsets)
Use locomotion and teleportation
Modify the controls
Load and play audio and video
Compose and register components
Use JavaScript to control entities
Test WebVR scenes on any device
*** ADD-ONS ***
For each lecture, you will be provided with the full source code that you can freely use as a template for your own projects.
The course also includes some extra valuable resources to provide you with:
Web links to resources used in the lectures
Web links to FREE 3D models and 3D modeling software
Web links to VR-related websites
Finally, this A-Frame course will be continuously updated with new content, projects, and resources, so you can think of it as a subscription to a never-ending supply of A-Frame training!
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Web designers
Front-end web developers
Game designers
Game developers
3D artists
VR enthusiasts
People who would like to learn about new trends and technologies
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