Learn how you can create Digital 2D Game Art Environments quickly in Photoshop

Learn 2D Game Backgrounds Step By Step For Beginners

Learn how you can create Digital 2D Game Art Environments quickly in Photoshop
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15  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



This course i will teach you how to draw your own game art with Photoshop . You’ll learn how to make 2D background for your games .

Looking to make extra money as a game graphic designer? Or maybe you’re on a quest to create 2D Backgrounds for your own games? In any case you’ve come to the right place.

the course :

– Basics of photoshop

– how to make your own color palette

– draw simple 2d background

– how to creat your own brush ( grass , tree , clouds ,, etc )

– draw 2d background for game with details

The 2D Game Backgrounds Creation Course will show you how to create quick high quality stylized 2D Backgrounds for games .

The techniques taught in this course will make you able to make your own 2D Game Backgrounds and give you skills in the world of digital art creation – or your money back!

The course is your track to building amazing attractive 2D Game Backgrounds and ultimately – make you money! Whether for your own games or for other peoples projects.

Learn 2D Game Backgrounds Step By Step For Beginners course will take you from having little knowledge in Photoshop to creating professional 2D Game Backgrounds in as little as 4 days.

The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step, the process of creating a digital 2D Game Backgrounds in Photoshop. It will equip you with the knowledge to create stunning 2D art for games.

– You can use this 2d background in unity for games

– You can create 2d backgrounds and sell it on unity 3d for example or other platforme .

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone who wants to learn the basics of Photoshop
Beginner to draw 2d background for games
Anyone who wants to learn the studio process of game design
Anyone who wants to create 2D background for her games in unity
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Learn how you can create Digital 2D Game Art Environments quickly in Photoshop

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