Learn Digital Content Creation for the Social Media Age

KRECK Digital Content Creation Masterclass

Learn Digital Content Creation for the Social Media Age
Notes de 4,3 sur 5
53 Avis
188  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours


DescriptionKellan Reck’s ‘KRECK Digital Content Creation Masterclass’ is one of the most up-to-date, in-depth and advanced content creation and social media growth courses on the market right now. You’ll learn how to start creating digital content meant for the social media age. No matter if you’re a complete beginner, if you’re intermediate, or if you’re an advanced content creator, this class will take you to the next level. Enjoy more than 3 hours of HD videos trainings that will teach you how to start creating the digital content that will expand your brand and business online.The course comes with a number of bonuses, including the KRECK Digital Assets: sound FX, Adobe Lightroom presets and more to instantly up your content game.À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?Business owners looking to start creating digital content that will help build their business online.Those with a personal brand who want help creating content to grow on social media.Afficher plusAfficher moins

Learn Digital Content Creation for the Social Media Age

19,99 €
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