Learn to Animate your Titles in different trendy styles using After Effects

Kinetic Typography Animation in After Effects

Learn to Animate your Titles in different trendy styles using After Effects
Notes de 4,7 sur 5
5 Avis
20  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



On this 90 minutes course you will learn how to create some kinetic typography animation in After Effects.
After I show you some Fonts, We will start with some simple effects, like stretching effects, echo and scale wipe.

Then we will learn some distortion effects, 3D prespective and create a grid text, as a base for the other animations.

We will explore some effects that will help you create more than 20 variations of kinetic typography animation.

Finally you will learn how to mask an object and create a gradient animation.


-This course is for people who want to be updated with the latest trends in typography animations.

– It is for people who want to improve their skills in After Effects

– It is for people who want to create cool ads, social media content, lyric videos, visualizers etc

– It is also for people who just want to learn something new


You will be able to create more than 20 variations of kinetic typography animations. You will understand some simple effects, like stretching effects, echo and scale wipe, distortion effects, 3D perspective and create a grid text, as a base for the other animations. You will also learn how to mask an object and create a gradient animation.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
-This course is for people who want to be updated with the latest trends in typography animations.
– It is for people who want to improve their skills in After Effects
– It is for people who want to create cool ads, social media content, lyric videos, visualizers etc
Afficher plus

Learn to Animate your Titles in different trendy styles using After Effects

19,99 €
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Redirection double avec deux onglets

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Redirection avec pop-up et nouvel onglet