Create art with code!

Introduction to Creative Coding with p5.js

Create art with code!
Notes de 4,5 sur 5
135 Avis
877  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Welcome to our Creative Coding Class!.

In the Creative Coding online workshop, you will explore creating animations through code, generative art, and more!

No previous knowledge of coding required, this class will start from the basics of coding and programming.

A great way to develop your computational thinking, logic and math , all while making art!

The workshop will introduce you to javascript – the language of the web.

Learn the concepts of programming using p5.js – a javascript library that focuses on.

By the end of the class, you will be able to make your own generative art, and will be comfortable with concepts such as variables, functions and conditionals.

Projects made in the class will include

* Generative portraits

* Animating simple drawings

* Creating a simple MS Paint-like app

Great for all of the age 10+

The course is broadly divided into 4 sections –

1. Simple Shapes and animation-Learn about the basics of p5, functions and variables

2. Making a paint application- Learn to make your own version on MS Paint while also learning more about variables and if statements

3. Generative Patterns – We will create patterns with code, and learn about for loops!

4. Generative Portraits – Create portraits using code, images and your camera! We will learn a few more algorithms in this module, along with how to use and manipulate images with code.

Materials Required

Access to computer, laptop or phone to view the videos. Please note that is not available for iPads and iPhones currently

Access to google chrome browser to access the coding environment

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Those with interest in programming and art
Interest to explore javascript
Best for all ages over 10
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Create art with code!

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