Learn how to use Instagram stories marketing to grow your business

Instagram Stories For Business

Learn how to use Instagram stories marketing to grow your business
Notes de 4,1 sur 5
36 Avis
247  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Have you noticed the growth of Instagram stories recently?

Instagram stories now have more users than Snapchat (WOW)

And guess what, this new Instagram marketing channel is not just for selfies. 

You can use Instagram stories for business growth.

You can use this new channel to build your personal brand. 

AND that’s exactly what you will  learn inside this course. Here are different topics covered inside this course 

Why should we care about Instagram stories for our business and personal brand?

How to create a simple and effective marketing strategy for Instagram stories 

How to make instagram stories for business

What tools and apps PROs use to create their content (You will make amazing stories once you know these tools)

Instagram stories hacks – hidden tips and tricks inside the Instagram app

How to drive business results using Instagram stories (e.g traffic and leads)

How to use Facebook ads manager to create Instagram stories Ads

This course is full of examples, hacks and case studies. 

If you are still considering Instagram stories for business, just look at this stat from Instagram. 

« Users under the age of 25 look at Stories for an average of 32 minutes every day, and those of us above 25 spend 24 precious minutes out of every day watching other people document their lives. That’s two minutes more than the length of your standard sitcom.  » – Instagram

We can not afford to Ignore this marketing channel. This is where all the attention is.

Enroll right now and I will see you on the inside. 

PS – This course does come with a 30day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose. I am excited to see you inside this class.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Beginners who want to learn how to make Instagram stories for business growth
Anyone who wants to build a personal brand using Instagram stories
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Learn how to use Instagram stories marketing to grow your business

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