Master Illustrator for vector drawing

Illustrator the complete course

Master Illustrator for vector drawing
Notes de 4,8 sur 5
3 Avis
77  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Adobe Illustrator software

Adobe Illustrator is a powerful drawing software offered by Adobe. Anyone who understands this software can use Illustrator to draw shapes and lines, create text or import graphics and images, create logos, and more. You can also use Illustrator to make a page layout for a book, create a web page, create a brochure design, and of course make drawings on computer.

Illustrator vector format

One of the most important features of Adobe Illustrator is that the quality of the illustrations created because they are independent of the resolution at which they are displayed. This means that an image created in Illustrator can be enlarged or reduced to change the quality of the image. This is called the vector format. This format uses mathematical relationships using a set of polygons that make up the image, themselves composed of vectors. Each vector goes through a location called a node or control point. In comparison, photographs edited using tools such as Adobe Photoshop depend on the resolution and the quality of the image decreases when an image is enlarged. That’s why we use Illustrator to create documents such as business cards, logos and drawings, because with this format they will never lose in quality.

Training course

You want to start in Illustrator to create your visuals but you do not know how to do it or you have difficulties to start. This course will allow you to master all the basics of the software. You can then work calmly on your personal projects. It is for everyone who wants to learn the software, professional or private. I will show you how to learn Illustrator from scratch, you will learn how to use the different tools, to know the interface of work, to apply effects, to vectorize an image … All of these elements, we We will also see them in specific training sessions such as drawing shapes, creating a logo or a business card.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
People wishing to learn Illustrator for their projects
Student in graphism design
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Master Illustrator for vector drawing

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