Learn how to create conceptual fashion illustrations applying concepts and tools from the fashion industry.
The most unique fashion illustration class where conceptual thinking, history and fashion design become one.
Absorbing history and art concept details to emphase and give reason for each details in our creation.
It’s not only a fashion illustration class, we learn the though process to be creative with any subject.
More over the class start by a detail and visual resume of the period of Art Nouveau, we understand the roots of inspiration and all the details that we can characterize as part of this art mouvement.
Nature being the main inspiration of this movement we start our drawing learning by the flowers and plants line drawing with breakdown which makes it so easy. Always with the twitch we need to go in the art nouveau look. A beautiful addition to your drawing skills.
This brings us to the first exciting part of the final project, which is split in 2 parts.
For the first part, we draw an architectural window of creativity with with plants and flowers.
The second part, it’s time to add the magic in the piece with the creation of the fashion illustration. We will create a piece of lingerie with the Art Nouveau inspiration. With this exercise, you will learn how start from a visual idea and create a pattern.
We integrate the two parts to get a final and polished presentation that gives the notch above for your projects, wether its for your fashion
school, marketing, art, design, sewing, or even just for illustration.
If you are not convinced yet, remember that being creative is definitely something that anybody can learn, it’s only a though process that once broken down to simple step process and can be applied on any subject or project you want.
Moreover, if you want to try it, you still have 30 days guaranty, but I’m sure you’ll love it. 😉
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Anyone with interest in Fashion design.
Anyone with interest in Fashion history.
Anyone with interest in drawing.
Fashion designer
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