IFTTT: Automate your way to Social Browsing Profits! Content, Hits & ad revenue from Automating Social processes w IFTTT

IFTTT: SocialBlog Profits w Social Media Automation & IFTTT

IFTTT: Automate your way to Social Browsing Profits! Content, Hits & ad revenue from Automating Social processes w IFTTT
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285  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



IFTTT: SocialBlog Profits w Social Media Automation & IFTTT will take the headache out of putting your Social Media Strategy into action by teaching you to Automate the Process with IF This Then That.

Don’t get overwhelmed by keeping up with your Social Media Accounts and most definitely don’t miss the chance to profit from them.

IFTTT: SocialBlog Profits w Social Media Automation & IFTTT walks step by step demonstrating exactly how to create a Social Media Strategy that uses Social Actions from Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and Spotify to automatically update any network we want, even all of them at once!

Profit Browsing The Web with IFTTT is 100% hands on learning, so you’ll need a computer/tablet with an internet connection, and having a Facebook or Twitter account to start wont hurt either.

Take this course and you can be a Social Network Automation Master in under 2 hours!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
People with more than 1 Social Media Account
HootSuite / BufferApp / SocialBro Users
Social Media Managers
Small and/or Local Business Owners
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IFTTT: Automate your way to Social Browsing Profits! Content, Hits & ad revenue from Automating Social processes w IFTTT

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