your complete guide to become an expert in chilled water systems (A to Z)

HVAC Chilled Water System Design, Selection & Flushing

your complete guide to become an expert in chilled water systems (A to Z)
Notes de 3,5 sur 5
100 Avis
597  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



This is a course covering in great detail all chilled water related knowledge [A to Z], this course is tailor-made from international standards and best practices in the field of MEP consultancy & construction on many applications starting with the smallest reaching up to the highest towers and mega projects to give you all the knowledge covering the design, components selection, networks & equipment arrangement and configurations and flushing of chilled water systems

this course is starting from scratch till the expert level in design, selection, configurations & arrangements of chilled water piping & equipment’s & networks that you will find in any HVAC system.

The course is divided into five parts,

1. part#1 – starting with an introduction to the chilled water system and why using it in first place.

2. part#2 – then following up to each of the chilled water system individual components to understand them and compare between different types and know the selection and limitations of each of them including their arrangement and performance.

3. part#3 – then following up to the hydronic chilled water piping networks and understanding their sizing, design, arrangements, trends in balancing and energy savings, then moving on to a grand scale of the full CHW system configurations and compare between pros and cons of each system and when to use it and how to optimize your CHW network to achieve optimum energy performance

4. part#4 – then following up to an introduction to the district cooling systems and components and application range including latest technologies used in it

5. part#5 – then following up to a chapter dedicated to the CHW flushing & chemical cleaning process to help you comprehend how to perform it and witness it properly

All information mentioned in this course are quoted from ASHRAE international standards to give you the information from it’s original source and quoted to be a reference for future to access it easily.

this course is the ultimate guide at which is tailored for the soul purpose of transforming amateurs into experts and and add even more experience to the experts already using the software.

This course have an exclusive section for the flushing process of chilled water systems which is an extremely pre-commissioning process that is conducted directly after construction completion, and without it the system will not function properly.

This course is for both designers and site engineers and even for draftsmen to complete their gaps and to teach them the correct technical information from it’s original international sources.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
MEP Engineers & especially Mechanical Engineers (design, technical office, site, testing & commissioning)
MEP Draftsmen
Project engineers & project managers
Piping engineers & HVAC equipment manufacturing engineers
Mechanical Engineers
Electrical Engineers
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your complete guide to become an expert in chilled water systems (A to Z)

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