Step-by-step guide to give your event more exposure on Facebook

How To Promote Your Event On Facebook

Step-by-step guide to give your event more exposure on Facebook
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



This course will reveal a quick & easy strategy to create and promote an event on Facebook like a professional advertising agency.

You’ll discover step-by-step instructions to set up an event in less than 5 minutes and raise the attendance with cost-effective Facebook ad campaigns. 

Learn How to Take the Best Seat in house & Reap the Benefits Of Giving Your Facebook Event More Exposure Instantly!

Complete guide to creating an event on Facebook

Three amazing resources to get a stunning cover photo designed

How to warm up your audience with high-quality content

Simple way to create Facebook ads and raise the attendance at your event

Best practices to create cost-effective campaigns with a limited budget

… and much more!

Contents and Overview

This course will walk you through all the steps you need to create and promote an event on Facebook.

First, you’ll learn about different event types and how to set up an event on Facebook in less than 5 minutes.

Next comes how to create an event cover photo. You’ll discover three amazing resources to get a stunning cover photo designed for no more than $5.

Then, I’ll share with you a sneaky, little known trick to share your Facebook event on social media to get more exposure instantly! You’ll also learn how to warm up your audience with pictures & videos from previous events.

Last but not least, I’ll walk you through the process of spreading the word about your event with paid Facebook ads. You’ll discover a simple way to create converting ads and raise the attendance at your event like a professional Facebook marketing agency.

By the time you complete the course, you’ll be ready to set up an amazing event and raise the attendance instantly with strategies like paid Facebook ads.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Beginner & intermediate marketers
Businesses of all sizes
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Step-by-step guide to give your event more exposure on Facebook

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