Efficiently create detailed low poly guns.

How To Model Low Poly Guns In Blender

Efficiently create detailed low poly guns.
Notes de 4,8 sur 5
45 Avis
240  Sessions

Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Why I Created This Course.

I am a game developer who recently got into first person shooters for a personal project of mine. I wanted to learn how to model low poly guns so I went to YouTube. The selection of videos were awful. Some videos were too short and the commentary was faster than Ben Shapiro hyped up on an eight ball of coke. Other videos were excessively long and drawn out. I had to struggle when learning how to make good looking low poly guns. I made this course so you wouldn’t have to struggle.

Course Overview

The course follows a path of linear progression. We start with simple basic models and as the videos progress, move on to more challenging models.

You start by learning blocking techniques to create the general shape of the gun. Then you become familiar with Blender modifiers to speed up the modeling process. You will learn how to grab images off Google and  turn them into PS1 style textures. You will then learn how to properly UV Unwrap an object so that you may texture it.

We will model the M4A1, Colt Python .357 Magnum, and PPSH-41. If you have a gun that you would like me to make a video on, you can suggest it to me and I will consider creating a section on it.

You will also gain access to the private discord. There, I will answer any questions you may have. If time permits, I will even go one on one with you and teach you directly what you wish to know.

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Indie game developers who would like to make their own assets
Game designers looking to expand their repertoire
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Efficiently create detailed low poly guns.

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