This Udemy course has been taken over by over 2,000 students around the world.
LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 2015
Learn EXACTLY what I’ve taught international brands like McDonald’s and evian… in only 2 hours!
Gain the skills major brands have paid hundreds of thousands for. Quickly and easily.
Over 2,000 students have already learned what took me almost a decade to develop.
Have you heard of my « Branding, Public Relations and Social Media Secrets? »
I’ve been working with international brands for almost a decade. And this course highlights what REALLY works.
It has taken me years to find out what really works… and now these tactics are revealed here for the first time.
I make over $7,000 a month with private clients teaching them these very tactics – but you can gain my secrets for a fraction of the price.
When I first started my career in marketing, I was making a measly $30,000 a year. As a former Marketing Director, I made triple that — and even more once I started freelancing. This is because I know what REALLY works when it comes to branding, public relations, and social media. And you can too.
I know what works. My CV and current consulting practice proves it. Check out some of the free lectures below as a sample.
Every single tactic I reveal in this course is easy enough to implement in minutes – and you can see your brand change instantly.
Nothing is kept secret – I’m revealing everything I know… and as I work with my clients, I’ll unveil even more up to date tactics. And you pay NOTHING EXTRA for this ongoing content.
Plus, Udemy has a 30 day guarantee. And you have my personal guarantee that in 2 hours, you’ll be amazed at how much you’ll learn… and you’ll be kicking yourself if you already have a brand but haven’t mastered branding, public relations, and social media.
What this is course IS NOT:
I do not cover anything you can freely find anywhere else online. I present to you real tactics I’ve used for major, international brands that I’ve worked with for close to a decade.
I will not « look at your brand » and « tell you what’s wrong ». Every brand is different – and it would be reckless to advise you through a course. But I will help you build a rock solid foundation that EVERY brand I’ve worked with needed when I began working with them. This is something you need.
I won’t teach you any underhanded tricks, black hat marketing techniques, or how to write clickbait – I value my skills and I want to value your brand by giving it REAL potential to be amazing.
But, if you want my real « insider » information – remember that I went from a lowly $30k a month salary to over triple that amount when I worked with agencies (I now make well over 5x that as a consultant) – so you need to get this course now… right this minute.
Every minute you delay, you’re actually LOSING money…
Enroll now!
À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Companies who are struggling with their Internet Marketing Campaigns
Venture Capitalists looking to make a good ROI on new projects
Those looking to revamp their current brands
Those who are stuck making a dent with their established brands
College Students who want to create a Professional Brand for themselves for when they enter the Workforce
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