Discover the benefits of content marketing – create a content marketing plan that generates leads & builds your brand.

How To Develop A Successful Content Marketing Strategy

Discover the benefits of content marketing – create a content marketing plan that generates leads & builds your brand.
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Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours



Learn how you can use content marketing to build and expand your brand, generate more leads, increase sales and build customer loyalty. You will learn how to create a content marketing plan that will eliminate overwhelm and is realistic in terms of your time and resource constraints.


Accelerate Your Business Growth with a Content Marketing Plan That Delivers Results


★Recognize the four core areas of content marketing

★Identify your core business goals & align these with your content marketing strategy

★Create content that makes you a trusted source of information for your customers

★Build a content marketing plan that propels you towards success


Tap into This Powerful & Low-Cost Marketing Channel


Why is content marketing so effective? The short answer is because people want substance. They want content that helps them with their problems, entertains them, and helps them save money & time. 


People don’t pay as much attention to traditional advertising anymore. This is because they are bombarded with a daily deluge of ads, to such an extent that most of it is just noise. As a result, it’s important to build relationships with your audience members. They’re not very likely to buy from you cold. Instead, you have to become a trusted source of the information they want & need. You become this trusted source through content creation & marketing. Good quality content cuts through all the noise.


Actually, this is good news for marketers because advertising is expensive while content creation is free or low cost. It just takes an investment in time and effort to develop an organized marketing plan, create content, and distribute it. But the low-cost nature of content marketing means that any business, no matter the size, can reap its benefits.


With the templates, tools & strategies provided you’ll have a complete content marketing plan and three month editorial calendar upon completion of this course. That means you’ll not only have learnt how to create a content marketing plan, but you’ll already have one that you can start implementing right away!

So, hit that enrol button and let’s get started!

À qui ce cours s’adresse-t-il ?
Small Business Owners
Business Coaches & Consultants
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Discover the benefits of content marketing – create a content marketing plan that generates leads & builds your brand.

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